Over the last few months, our community has had to respond to the global impact of an unprecedented crisis. We are incredibly proud of how our staff, students, and partners have met the challenges of COVID-19 and exceeded the expectations of care and support. Cambridge Network remains steadfast in our mission to ensure the health and well-being of our members of our community as well as maintaining an outstanding record of customer satisfaction. Our strong connection and relationship with our community is an essential and foundational aspect of our company. Each year, we ask our homestay international students to gauge their customer satisfaction through our Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey, an index to measure customer relationships. We are pleased to share the results from our 2020 Quarter 3 NPS survey report for returning and new students.
International students were able to provide answers and feedback anonymously on their homestay experience, Student Development Manager, College Preparation Language & Culture (CPLC) Program, and overall satisfaction. Compared to last year, we had an increase in new and returning student response rates with gains of 9% and 2%, respectively. Additionally, our overall NPS scores for students jumped 29 points for new students (+47 total NPS) and 25 points for returning students (+39 total NPS), where 47% of students gave a perfect score of 10.

For host family support and services satisfaction, 86% of students were “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with their experience, 13% did not have a response, and only 2% responding as “not satisfied”. Cambridge Network students mentioned the “great family support and delicious meals” as well as describing their hosts as “the best host family ever, they treat me like their own child”, and “my host mom is a really nice person, she makes great food, and she is always supportive”.

For Student Development Manager (SDM) services satisfaction, 87% of students were “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with their experience, 13% did not have a response, and no students responding as “not satisfied” with their SDM. International students mentioned the support they received from their SDMs, “She visits me every week, solves my problems in a very short time, and takes us to restaurants” and “my SDM always thinks about us and takes care of us all the time”. One international student provided feedback on what her SDM has done in during the COVID-19 pandemic:
“My SDM has always been excellent, and she’s responsible for everything and I’m glad that I always have her by my side she’s always caring about the students and check in with us frequently, during quarantine she even sends us a little care package with some Asian foods and snack and left it by our door which makes me feel so warm and she actually care about if the students are having trouble and trying her best to handle it and she always did it the best way. I appreciate her a lot.”

For the College Preparation Language & Culture (CPLC) Program satisfaction, 73% of students were “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with CPLC courses, 21% did not have a response, and only 6% responding as “not satisfied”. Among new CPLC students, we received zero “not satisfied” responses. Cambridge Network students who took CPLC courses said, “this class is where we learn more about American culture and helps us to easier adapt to the school”, “[CPLC] helped me in studying” and “it increased my grade”.
It is incredibly encouraging to see the fantastic responses we received from our international students. We take each piece of feedback seriously and continuously work to see how we can improve our service to our most valued customers. We appreciate our staff’s commitment to improving our response speed, service quality, and customer satisfaction. We look forward to reaching even greater heights in the near future.