Cambridge Network Host Families Complete Pre-Student Orientation

As the leading US homestay provider for 2,000 international students and over 200 schools, the team at Cambridge Network understands the importance of creating a strong home environment for student success.

Alongside the recent Happy Student Initiative launch this fall, which is aimed at increasing student soft skills, academic engagement and natural parent communication, Cambridge Network also held its mandatory pre-arrival orientations for both hosts and new students. The purpose of this orientation is to maximize success from day one. These localized events engage audiences in hands-on activities, present case studies and provide best practices to prepare them for the year ahead.

The highlight of the host family orientation is, of course, the annual gift! The theme of this gift always coincides with one of the most important subjects surrounding the best homestay practices: FOOD!

As we all know, food is an important aspect in everyone’s culture. It brings people together and is a wonderful way for host families and students to bond as they embark and continue this unique journey together. This year’s gifts included:

  • Branded Cambridge Network tote bag
  • Branded Cambridge Network apron
  • Gourmet spice set

This gift is a small token of our appreciation to our great hosts who work tirelessly to provide a welcoming home and atmosphere for our international students. Most importantly, it brings them into a larger community. It is from this vantage point that they can see the national impact of Cambridge Network’s mission: expanding human perspective and world harmony through education.

We hope that the gifts will not only be a benefit to the host family, but also to the students. We’re anxious to see how our host families and students utilize the items and make memories!



If you are a student wanting to study in the US or need a homestay solution, please contact us here.

If you are a school interested in any of our services, please contact us here.

Figure 1: Our on-the-ground student coordinator, Lisa Leonarduzzi, with her hosts Miosotis J., Ray P., and Don and Donna S. in St. Petersburg, FL.

Figure 2: Spotted above is an exciting Boston, MA host family!

Figure 3: Excited host mother Serrita C. in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Figure 4: Host mother Marih C. in Miami, FL models her Cambridge tote!